Skills by Nature
Skills by Nature
Experiential Learning for School Going Children

Start saving the seeds from your kitchen or elsewhere!

There are useful seeds from matured vegetables and fruits which we could save instead of throwing it the drain or the dustbin. For example, seeds from Tomatoes, Pepper, Melons, Papaya, Chicco, Citrus, Dicot grains and Spice grains are  wasted everyday in the households. Once they are disposed in the drain or dustbin, never come back to their lifecycle. They rot in the sewage water bodies or simply destroyed by the waste management system. 

The idea is to to collect these seeds from the kitchen to use it in the home gardening. The excess collection can be shared with the friends as well.   The seeds are nutritious feed to the birds. Whichever the way, we must give attention to save each one of these seeds for its meaningful consumption. School going children participating in the program "Gardening as a Learning Tree" learn lessons on seeds relating to their curriculum, sustainable lifestyle, and future readiness. 

The public gardens in cities, avenue trees, and the forests are the sources of variety of seeds. Bringing home these to identify the species, protecting them for the next seasonal plantation is a meaningful activity for the young generation. The loss of biodiversity could be mitigated with every little effort. 

But, how is it possible to collect the seeds from the kitchen waste? What is the best procedure to clean, dry and store it with a label for the future use? Is there any special tool or equipment to do any of these procedural steps easily? 

We suggest you to explore your own methods to save the seed. Anyway, you can always write to us for help! We would assist you definitely. 

Few of the urban families are hiring house maids to do the routine housekeeping and kitchen works. In such cases, make it a point to explain them  the need for saving  seeds in the kitchen.